What is CBD?
Cannabidiol or “CBD” is the largest chemical compound in the cannabis/hemp plant that is believed to have a very wide therapeutic potential. Unlike it’s cousin tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, it does not have a psychoactive effect. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Studies show that CBD will actually counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. A quick google search on CBD reveals millions of individuals worldwide experiencing relief from nausea, seizures, migraines, anxiety, chronic itch, muscle pain, joint pain, depression, and much more! But how and why?
How does it work?
Did you know we actually produce cannabinoids inside of our bodies and have an actual system of them working together? What are cannabinoids you say? In easy terms, think of cannabinoids as little soldiers in your body fighting to keep everything balanced in there.
Everything on earth with a vertebrate has what is called an ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM or ECS that produces these little soldiers. This system is a relatively new discovery in the human and animal body that many are still completely unaware of. Like the nervous system and immune system, the ECS has specific duties. It is in charge of regulating homeostasis or maintaining balance in the body by producing your very own army of cannabinoid soldiers. It regulates things like mood, memory, motor control, pain perception, appetite, and sleep, just to name a few.
Unfortunately, like everything else in the body, the ECS wears out as we age and has trouble maintaining balance. Injury and disease also influence the ECS throwing our bodies even further out of balance. As we age, we run low on cannabinoids and can even become cannabinoid deficient. So how do we replenish our little cannabinoid soldiers? Well the last time you received cannabinoids was from your mother’s milk at infancy! Most of us don’t have mother’s milk available on the drink menu, so where else can we get them?
Yes, from the cannabis/hemp plant where cannabinoid soldiers are grown from the soil!
CBD is the most prevalent of over 100 different phyto-cannabinoids found in the cannabis/hemp plant; (phyto meaning plant) These plant-based cannabinoids naturally stimulate your ECS by giving it reinforcements! Once you use CBD and your army of cannabinoids is fresh, the body re-balances. Do you have chronic anxiety? Your body is out of balance. CBD as a plant soldier stimulates your bodies’ natural defenses to rebalance and help soothe the ailment.
No pills, no dangerous chemicals, just a natural reinforcement that the earth gave us.